マイナスイオン(空気中の)を考える際に参考になる批判的な記事が,1995年発行の,『ハインズ博士「超科学」をきる −真の科学とニセの科学をわけるもの−』(テレンス・ハインズ著,井山弘幸訳,東京化学同人,ISBN4-7598-0725-4)という本の,「15章 はびこるいかさま療法」(330-331ページ)に出ているので紹介する。
原著は,1988年に出ている。TERENCE HINES : "PSEUDOSCIENCE AND THE PARANORMAL A Critical Examination of the Evidence", (1988) Prometheus Books, ISBN0-87975-419-2である。
Air Ions
Meteorological variations in air ion levels, specifically increases in positive ion levels associated with hot, dry winds, seem to be associated with increases in socially undesirable behaviors such as criminal activity, suicide, and various sorts of accidents (see Charry and Hawkinshire, 1981, and Brown and Kirk, 1987, for brief reviews). In a laboratory study, Charry and Hawkinshire(1981) found that increased levels of positive air ions resulted in poorer moods, slowed reaction time, and lessened physiological activation or arousal. These changes were not found in all individuals tested, however, and there are large individual differences in susceptibility to the detrimental effects of positive air ions. A complicated pattern of sex differences in the effects of positive ions was also found.
f exposure to positive ions impairs performance and mood, at least in susceptible individuals, it would seem reasonable that exposure to negative ions might improve mood and performance. Just such claims are made by the manufacturers of negative air ion generators. However, the studies on the actual effects of negative air ions paint a very different picture of their effects. Such ions do have effects on human behavior, but they are small, complex, and not always beneficial. Buckalew and Rizzuto (1984) found no effects of exposure to negative ions for three or six hours on various measures of cognitive function and physiological condition. Baron (1987) found that negative ions did have an effect on some, but not all, measures of cognitive function used in his experiments. In some cases, increased negative ion levels increased performance, while in others performance was impaired. Women were generally less susceptible to the effect of negative ions than were men.
The conclusion of research in this area is that changes in air ion levels, positive or negative, can be shown to influence behavior in carefully controlled studies. These effects are certainly of theoretical interest and import. However, they are small and of little practical significance. Surely they do not justify the purchase of a negative air ion generator.